Pengaruh Daya Dukung Orang Tua terhadap Semangat Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VI MI Al Ikhsan Soborejo
This research answers the problem of "can parental support influence students' enthusiasm for learning? This research approach is quantitative with a correlation study type. This paper aims to find out how parents support students' enthusiasm for learning. The data and information presented in this article were taken from several valid sources. Sample citing uses a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling type. The total sample of students obtained was 20 students. The variables in this research include students' enthusiasm for learning and parents' support capacity. Data collection techniques use closed questionnaires, unstructured interviews, and documentation. Research data is described using simple linear regression. The research results indicate that: (1) there is a positive influence between parents' support capacity on students' enthusiasm for learning with the results of the analysis obtained a t value of 7.388 > t table 2.101. The amount of parental support for students' enthusiasm for learning is 75.2%. Based on the results of this research, all parties, including parents, educators and schools, must continue to communicate, collaborate and exchange ideas in paying attention to student education and fostering student discipline. This is implemented to maximize students' abilities in obtaining optimal learning achievements.