Strategi MUI-Baznas dalam Mencetak Kader Ulama Integratif melalui Program Kader Seribu Ulama (KSU)
This article aims to examine the strategy of MUI-BAZNAS in producing a cadre of integrative ulama through the Kader Seribu Ulama (KSU) program. The research method in this article uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature review method. To analyze the typology of integrative scholars, the author applies three scientific paradigm models from the perspective of Ian G. Barbour, Holmes Rolston III, Ziauddin Sardar, and Muhammad Jawwad Ridla. To analyze the paradigm of Islamization of Knowledge using the concepts of the perspective of Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi, Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, for the paradigm of Islamic Science using the paradigms of Muhammed Arkoun, Fazlur Rahman, and Kuntowijoyo. The integration paradigm type uses the paradigm model that Imam Al-Ghazali, Amin Abdullah and others developed. This article aims to provide ideas, ideas and discourse on the MUI-BAZNAS strategy in producing a cadre of integrative ulama through the KSU program. From the literature review results, there are three types of Indonesian ulama, namely those with the paradigm of Islamization of Science, Islamic Studies, and Integration. Integrative ulama cadres can choose 12 types of integration developed by religious universities. To realize integrative scholars, educational acceleration is needed, namely accelerated studies, increasing the number of participants, prioritizing young scholars, and sustainable development.