Pola Asuh Orang Tua dalam Mengembangkan Religiusitas Remaja di Lingkungan Sekitar Pesantren di Magelang
The background of the problem from this research is the condition of adolescent religiosity in the pesantren environment, which is still low and needs to be developed, and parenting patterns in developing adolescent religiosity are still lacking in giving special attention to adolescent children. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to determine the condition of adolescent religiousness in the pesantren environment and the parenting patterns of parents in developing adolescent religiosity in the environment around the pesantren, Bulurejo Village, Mertoyu District, and Magelang Regency. This type of research includes field research. The data collection procedure used the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. In technical data analysis, researchers collect, reduce, present, and draw conclusions. Checking the validity of the data is done by triangulation, an examination technique by utilizing neighbours as informants to check or as a comparison of the data. Based on the data analysis of the study results, adolescent religiosity in the environment around the pesantren in Bulurejo Village, Mertoyudan District, Magelang Regency, is still low and needs to be developed again. Secondly, parenting patterns in developing adolescent religiosity in the environment around the pesantren use democratic parenting and parenting patterns. Authoritarian foster. The novelty (element of novelty) of this research is that in the environment around the pesantren, there are contradictions between the community and the pesantren in the village, and the condition of youth religiosity in the pesantren environment is still low.