Transformasi Manajemen Pendidikan Sekolah dan Madrasah Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

  • Solikin Solikin Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (INISNU) Temanggung
Keywords: educational management, digital literacy


The purpose of this study is to describe the transformation of Islamic education management in schools / madrasas after the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, this research also reveals the implementation of the transformation of Islamic education management in the fields of learning and services. Transforming digital literacy skills of teachers and students in schools / madrasas as well as barriers to opportunities in their application. The results of this study, the school / madrasa paradigm in providing learning and educational services to students by collaborating online and offline. Furthermore, the implementation also emphasizes the strengthening of character education (PPK). The difference between teacher and student digital literacy can be reduced by several alternative strategies so as to be able to have a significant impact on the learning process and services.   

How to Cite
Solikin, S. (2022). Transformasi Manajemen Pendidikan Sekolah dan Madrasah Pasca Pandemi Covid-19. ASNA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Dan Keagamaan, 4(2), 68-74. Retrieved from