Strategi Branding Pendidikan Ma’arif NU
(Studi Kasus MI Ma’arif NU Manbaul Huda Purwodadi Tembarak)
This study discusses the Ma’arif NU Education branding strategy to face the competition with public education and the research sites in MI Ma’arif NU Manbaul Huda Purwodadi. The purpose of this research is to find out the image and strategy formed by MI Ma’arif NU Manbaul Huda Purwodadi in facing educational competition with the general schools by knowing several supporting and inhibiting factors. The process of collecting data by interviewing the sources needed in research. Material obtained from interviews was presented and analyzed in the form of descriptions. Results of the analysis showed that MI Ma’arif NU Manbaul Huda Purwodadi implemented a number of strategies in branding his school, it is from strict teacher recruitment and carrying about the routine student habits and activities in schools, so that the potential of each student would be seen and could be developed. This research is important to do because schools that are notably Ma’arif tend to be inferior to public schools or schools under other organizations. And from this research it is hoped that other Ma’arif schools can emulate it.