Penguatan Karakter Aswaja Annahdliyyah melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi di MI Ma’arif NU 1 Banjaranyar Banyumas

  • S Sustam MI Ma’arif NU 1 Banjaranyar
Keywords: Aswaja Annahdliyah, Education, Technology


Technological progress is like two sides of a coin that has both positive and negative impacts. Without the ability to understand media literacy, it can lead to behaviors that do not prioritize morals, insult, abuse, and hurt others such as cyberbullying, although on the other hand access to technology helps improve the quality of life and accelerate development at all levels including aspects of learning (e-learning). The American Psychological Association explains the ability to manage stress and achieve a healthy lifestyle decreases every generation. If this phenomenon continues, in the next few years the generation of the nation's children today will be the most stressful generation in history. In dealing with this problem, the cultivation of the Aswaja Al-Nahdliyyah character is expected to be a solution that can be done through the activities of guidance, teaching, training, and learning experiences. The purpose of this study is to provide a picture of the cultivation of the character of Aswaja Al-Nahdliyyah which is carried out consciously, directed and continuously to introduce technology education to students and make it as a guide to personal life, society, nation and state.

How to Cite
Sustam, S. (2019). Penguatan Karakter Aswaja Annahdliyyah melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi di MI Ma’arif NU 1 Banjaranyar Banyumas. ASNA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Dan Keagamaan, 1(2), 72-82. Retrieved from