Membangun Budaya Literasi di SMA-SMK Ma’arif NU melalui Penggunaan Perpustakaan Digital
The development of libraries is not separated from the development of science and information technology, all three support each other. The activity of literacy has been identical with reading and writing activities. In order to develop and improve the culinary literacy in Central Java, the Institute of Education (LP) Ma'arif PWNU Central Java also launched the Ma'arif Literacy Movement (GLM) program. is a social movement with collaborative support of various elements, namely school citizens, stakeholders, and the community. This activity is also done at Senior High School-Vocational High School at Ma'arif NU Educational Institute. The effort taken to make it happen is habituation of reading and writing learners. This Program has the aim of literacy in Madrasah and Ma'arif school can increase and further advance the quality of national education. Libraries play an important role in the development of literacy in schools. Digital literacy in schools should be developed as an integrated learning mechanism in the curriculum. School-owned digital libraries play an important role in building literacy in schools. Building a culture of literacy with the use of digital libraries requires the presence of a larger server file capacity so that it can be filled with more content and better user-dateable digital libraries. There is a need for community with teachers of every other subject to use and utilize this digital library in the learning activities.