Inovasi Pengembangan Potensi Anak Berbasis Character Building and Talent Developing sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran
The Central Ma'arif Institution was formed on 21 Sya’ban 1380 H/ 7 February 1961 M. The establishment of Ma'arif Institution at the national level was preceded by the formation of Ma'arif Instituton in the regions. Based on Islamic Educational Statistics data for 2008/2009, the number of institutions was 19.762 RA, 21.529 MI, 13.292 MTs, and 5.648 MA strewed across 33 provinces in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the MIN reached 1.662, MTs N was 1.384, and MAN was 735. The challenges of Ma'arif educational institutions were quite diverse, ranging from competition in the quality of education, availability of operational costs, and competition between public schools and private schools. Therefore, there is a need for new innovations to increase the number of students who interested to study in educational institutions under the auspices of LP Ma'arif and improve the quality of students through increasing student achievement in achieving learning outcomes. Learning system innovation based on character building and talent developing is the right solution as an effort to improve the quality of education. Not only impress smart generation, but also moral students. The collaboration which embroils teachers, students and parents expected to be an efficient solution to produce a competent and skilled generations that are able to compete with competitors in the 4.0 industrial revolution and 5.0 of society era