Integrasi Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Kegiatan Latihan Jumat Rutin Kepramukaan di MA Ma’arif NU Sains Al-Qur’an Sumbang

  • Wakhidin Shodiq SMK Negeri Kebasen
Keywords: integration, value of Islamic education, scouts


The existence of moral decadence proves the fragility of the character of Indonesia's young generation, the crisis of religious character and the decline in social awareness. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate Islamic educational values ​​in extracurricular activities as an effort to support integration in intracurricular learning. So that the integration of students' Islamic education values ​​can be carried out optimally. This study seeks to analyze the integration of Islamic educational values ​​in routine Friday scouting training activities at MA Ma'arif NU Sains Al-Qur'an Sumbang. This research is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The primary source of research comes from observations and interviews with the Head of the Front Group, Pradana Putra, and Pradana Putri. Secondary sources were obtained through documentation techniques in the form of books, articles, activity reports and scout work programs for the enforcement group in 2023. The results of the research stated that the integration of Islamic educational values ​​in routine Friday training refers to the value of monotheism and moral values, namely the formation of a religious, tolerant character, disciplined, honest, hard working, creative, democratic, independent, national spirit, love of the country, communicative, sparks curiosity, cares about the environment, and is responsible.

How to Cite
Shodiq, W. (2024). Integrasi Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Kegiatan Latihan Jumat Rutin Kepramukaan di MA Ma’arif NU Sains Al-Qur’an Sumbang. ASNA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Dan Keagamaan, 6(1), 12-25. Retrieved from