Eksistensi Al Berzanji Dalam Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Islami Pada Anak

  • Dinda Meilasari An Nisa Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga
Keywords: Existence, Al-Berzanji, Islamic Values


The tradition of reading the Barzani book has long been practised in communist Muslim societies, where this tradition is carried out on certain occasions and at certain times. Although the book is more popularly known as Barzani, its original title is 'Iqd al-Jawahir (a string of pearls) as a symbol of the Prophet Muhammad. Al Berzanji’s book describes Islamic knowledge, which aims to awaken the Islamic spirit and to increase love for the Prophet Muhammad. And so that Muslims emulate his personality, imitate his characteristics, behaviour and morals. In Hadipolo Village, Jekulo District, Kudus Regency is one of the villages with many children. Every week these children actively participate in religious studies, which they usually call (Berjanzen), a group of children filled with the recitation of al-Berjanzi's poems. This is the background of the problem of whether these children already understand the content of al-Berjanzi so that they can cultivate Islamic values. The findings of this article are that al-Berjanzi's activities can foster Islamic values, such as increasing aqeedah and faith, instilling Islamic sharia, and increasing acts of worship from an early age. This is evidenced by the enthusiasm of the children to participate in al-Berjanzi's activities and other studies.

How to Cite
An Nisa, D. (2023). Eksistensi Al Berzanji Dalam Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Islami Pada Anak. ASNA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Dan Keagamaan, 5(1), 39-45. Retrieved from https://ejournal.maarifnujateng.or.id/index.php/asna/article/view/100